Monday, April 9, 2007


Let's just say we've been adjusting my meds for most of April and we aren't quite there yet, OK? So you can stop with the mean comments or I may stop taking them altogether and whatever happens will be added to your karmic scorecard.

I taught my first class! They say you should teach what you know and even though I'm really good at astanga I taugh a Yo-Tox class. I'm sorry -- Revita-yoga sounds like some kind of milk-based health drink that's only offered at senior care facilities and I'm so over dairy at this point. And old people. Anyway class was awesome - I had a great time -- and we did lots of lion and other face-saving poses. Some very famous ex-models and dowagers were there (naming names wouldn't be very yogic, would it?). Seeing them do Kiss-the-Sky pose while Hendrix played on the stereo was so entertaining it almost made me forget that I wasn't being paid to teach the class.

Still, I really don't understand how teachers keep from killing their students.

A couple of the women -- Anas to be sure -- kept leaving and returning, leaving and returning. Right when I was in the middle of a great personal story or waxing poetic about how yoga has changed my life and now I only shave my legs twice a day, they would get up to leave. They'd leave for like, ten minutes. It doesn't take that long to puke. Believe me, I know. Then I noticed that every time they came back they were wearing different outfits. They mixed and matched (and not always to good effect): Lulu, Prana, Be Present, Life is Hard, Shiva Shakti. They also looked thinner and a little greener each time.

After class I asked the desk person (who could stand to lose a few pounds, just between you and me) what they were doing and she showed me their credit card receipts. It turns out they were shopping at the studio's Yo-tique -- DURING MY CLASS.


If I'd known that during class I would have taken pictures of them in lion and lip-thump and posted them right here -- or at least asked for a percentage of the sales.

I'm scheduled to teach again next week -- for a fee! -- and there's no way I'm going to show them moola bandha. No way. They don't deserve to know about it. Damn chicken-neck ho's.


tina said...

just skimmed through the blog-- what a brilliant persona!! keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Baad Lady: post the pix of those hos. Now.

Licky Loo said...

Interested in coming to your class. I've only got Manuka pants bought cheap from TK Max though and my moola's going south along with everything else.BTW are you teaching the dark arts?????