Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Always Moola Bandha?

So Flatsie and I hit the Absinthe quite hard last night.. I dont remembr whose idea that was but I know we ended up in a bar called "Bohemian Rhapsody" (don't look for it, it isnt' there anymore...) and after a few pints of the green stuff we got talking, and invariably the talk turned, as it must, to the messy business of sex. Now me personally, I don't take Brama-watsit that seriously, I mean, what's the point of having a moola banda to die for if you can't show it off once in a while?
Flatsie took it one step further, as she always does, (she used to be a competetive shot putter back in the Eastern Bloc) and said "Vot is point of good bandhas if can't do this?"

Yep, you guessed it. She treated us to a live show of Patpong Ping Pong... I mean, is this girl super-fun or what? She had the regulars (some dressed up like they were from that film Moulin Rouge, I mean what's with that I don't get it) line up and try catch the balls, and I must say Flatsie's aim is true! Man, she was firing on all cylinders!

After that things got a bit hazy, but I do remember having to haul Flatsie's Russian ass home at 3am as we were going to get up at 6 to practice! Yes you heard me right, practice! at that hour!

Well, it wasn't my idea, as I don't normally go to those Mysore classes, but Flatsie is mad for it and as she is only in town for one more day I couldn't say no... I made sure I had on these amazing crops from Shiva Shakti, they really do 'wick moisture away' down there!

The teacher was mean! He told me to stop at Nakrasana, can you believe it? AND he told Flats to put on some more clothing! I mean it was HOT in there and she was wearing TRADITIONAL GARB for G'ds sake! Maybe he didn't actually KNOW that? Plonker.

Anyway, we didn't stay long, I just couldn't stop thinking about BF in Savasana and, how last time we did do it, he muttered something about ' too vanilla' and asked if I would dress up as that woman who's now married to King Charles over in England, Camilla something... I dont think that's going to float my boat for long.

Anyway, now I'm tired and cranky and I need to rest. Flatsie is out on the terrace practising.... There's a guy who lives over the way and I'm pretty sure she's got her 'aim' trained on him...



Anonymous said...

dearest blady,
your riff on this genre is most appropriate.
do you think those themses get it ?

Bad Lady said...

We're sorry you are held in a queue, Your call is very important to us, please don't hang up....

Bad Lady said...

Oops, sorry wrong recording. Bad Lady regrets due to the number of messages she receives she cannot enter into personal correspondence at this time. Bad Lady thanks you for your time and stopping by. Have a namast-day ....

Anonymous said...

That's enough Absinthe jokes