Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Book Club!

Oh, I forgot to say... Flatsie reading and all that made me think that if I want to be a writer, I had better start reading! Then, somewhat serendipitously, there was a notice up at the Shala that said; "Want to learn more about Yoga? Want to join like-minded people in a weekly discussion group? We will take the key texts on Ha-tha yoga, The Sutras and look at the meaning of Spirituality. For our first meeting, please come prepared to give a short summation of a text you would like included on this list"

So perfect! I have been wrestling with Yoga School Drop Out for ever! I hope they've read it...

Oh, one thing, the Book Club is 'by invitation only' and I have to convince a panel that i am suitable for their meetings... Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...


Loving your blog BL! Keep writing, the astanga community needs you.

Boodiba said...

Looks interesting - maybe I'll pick it up!

Anonymous said...

Hi BL we meet again.
Ok, you fucked me other day.. . How could you:???
No Brain, No Shoes, No Service... and in email No Practice. Chicken dance!

After lot of mental, emotional and spiritual processes of quieting the feel of my resentment and anger against YOU (for the perceived chicken dance), I ceased to demand punishment and restitution.
.... yes child, God bless you, go with peace... go, write the blog

On the mentioned .... the blog written by you is good, Flatsie is adoring (with tons of the extras)... please keep blogging... tralalalla lall la .. and other - who the fucking cares bullshit

Senorita, what matters is: does killing time damage eternity?
That’s what I wonder about. YES. Sweet life and pancakes – give you fat. Remove fat from your mat, jump in, jump through.

Regarding eternity itself... can we know more about YOU. I mean. I know almost everything but again. let see... Senorita how you will describe yourself.

Ah. we have run out of time... how is it possible to run out of time? (I do not know)
The night is falling, come on pick it up!


okrgr said...

in psychiatry, that phenomenon is known as word salad

Boodiba said...

Good one, okrgr

Anonymous said...

While we waiting Senorita Godot …

Where is that “here”? Is it in “now”? (you attempted to answer question that does not concern you, OK, let see if you can get this). How come that Place “here “ is replaced with Time “now”???

Oh Boy, Mr. Roy, maybe this is too hard… another approach… You are here and now. (this is what you said). What differentiate “here and now” from past and future?

If moment “now” is concentrated, it is smaller and smaller, it comes to an infinite small period (time). The infinite small time is what? Is it a place where there is no time? Fuck, again. But now Time is replaced with Place?

“Killing time creates eternity”. Proved as noted above!. Congrats Roy.

Anonymous said...

Great work.