Saturday, March 31, 2007


Should I buy the Yogitoes or go with the mysore mat? I have a bunch of mats but I don't want to feel left out as most folks have about 10

Should I practice on a Saturday? even though I really want to and even though the Astanga Police say I shouldnt.

Should I go to Mysore and get a couple of t-shirts that say I've been there?

Or should I just tell someone else to go and get them for me and make up a blog that looks as if I have been there?

Or should I just forget all this crap and concentrate on more important things? Like getting a new job and (possibly) a new BF?

Will Heather Mills win the Celebrity Goldiggin' Dance off ?

Friday, March 30, 2007

Eat This Post

I could get used to not working.

It's nice to have so much time for yoga; I just added a few more poses from Third Series. I mean, who doesn't like putting their legs behind their head?

Although my head does sometimes get in the way.

But it's my twists that really suck lately, so I've deleted Mari C and Pasasana.

BF says I should lay off the cupcakes and cheese plates. This is funny, because he's the fat one.

As soon as I can do the Master Cleanse again, I'm going raw. I love anything tartare.

In the meantime I've got to get on a schedule. I practice in the middle of the afternoon. But I get so hungry in the morning. And I have lunch dates penciled in every day next week. I don't know what to do. I can't exactly cancel. I mean, these people are taking me to lunch.

And I can't possibly practice in the morning. I'm way too stiff.

But I have to figure out the food thing.

Today so far I've had:
-Organic fair trade shade grown whole grain coffee
-Free-range omlette
-Cashews (raw + soaked = live)
-Fresh organic carrot-beet-tomato juice
-Frosted Flakes
-Jar of Bacos
-Carrot sticks

And it's not even noon yet.

Oh! Wait!

I just remembered reading something a few months ago about Guruji's diet.

I think it's 1/3 food, 1/3 water and 1/3 something else.






I wish I could remember.

It's so hard to break the rules when you don't know what they are.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Devil Wears Prana

I decided to get a tattoo and went downtown to the local parlour. I was nearly put off the tattoooist who looked a little like that guy from Aerosmith - the one with the lips.. But hey, its a look Liv Tyler is rocking..

It took me a fair bit of time to get him to understand the design I had in mind, a Sanskrit translation of three of my favourite words, Dolce e Gabbana.. I had them positioned one on left shoulder blade, one in the nape of my neck and the one on the other shoulder blade. I know people usually have stuff like Shakti or Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodaha (whatever that is!) but, in the words of one of the characters from my favourite, hip Brit show The Royle Family - Shakti? my arse! I think all that stuff is bullshit and I feel I am really being true to my inner voice in having these words placed there. Hope the scabs drop off real soon...

Oh yeah, NEWS! I got fired! This is bad news. I guess I'm in some kind of denial as I haven't really wanted to think or write about it but they called me yesterday as I was busy clearing out the sample cupboard and I had to do the long walk of shame, past all the guys in advertising to the boardroom. The editor was there and the Editor in Chief. I've never even met the Editor in Chief. She looked kind of mean. And high. Anyway,they made me collect all my stuff, (stuff that btw had taken me a while to steal). Reason? "All this Yoga is turning you into a Hippie!" Apparently also giving me a case of "What were you thinking?" when it came to my dress sense. So I have been experimenting with more ethnic fabrics and wearing a sari petticoat thinking it was a skirt, so what? and apparently I've been neglecting my personal grooming routine a la the Julia Roberts Armpitgate episode.... Actually the reasons were more to do with the fact that since I've taken up yoga I kind of feel this fashion stuff is silly... and perhaps they sense a lack of comittment on my part. Its true, I have been skipping the editorial meetings once in a while to go and do my practice but we only ever bitch about other people. and then call it journalism...I want to learn more about yoga and embrace the spiritual side of it. Its like that song by The Black Eyed Peas Where is the Love? but I feel until now, I never really understood the lyrics... It's all making sense now in a beautiful way...

On the positive side, practice wise I discovered that if I take my sunglasses off while practising I totally get the whole dristi thing!

Thoughts of what to do next. I have always liked writing and maybe I could turn this whole fashion/yoga/blogging thing into a book?

The Devil Wears Prana?

Or maybe television? Gokulum Hills 90210? I would like to see Shannon Docherty get into some hardcore bending and stay cool

Or film, Mat Wars: Episode 6 a New Drishti

Oh the opportunities are endless!

Until soon


Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I have been so depressed.

Is Guruji sick, or is he not?

Will the shala open, or will it remain closed?

I was planning to go to Mysore when the studio re-opens in May.

I have already packed what I'm going to wear, plus the cosmetics and pharmacy.

I've also made a list of all of the fabrics I want to purchase. This past weekend I finished designing my "ethnic" spring line in silk and cotton. It's such a stretch for me, but when in Rome and all that.

I was even going to save a few Euros by paying some locals to sew the entire line for me. That would make it really ethnic.

But if Pattabhi Jois is sick my plans are ruined.

I wish he'd get better -- and fast.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happier today!

I heard on the grapevine via my teacher, (who by the way, has actually taught MADONNA!)
that Guruji, our beloved father figure, is in hospital but doing well. I'm so pleased.

The yoga/botux thing isn't happening. The doc who was going to do the spiking apparently came down with a nasty case of ahem, an intimate infection.

And no one wants Thrush mixed in with their Botchulism

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Blah day

Today I felt like I wanted to kill my boyfriend, N. Who, by the way, is also fabulously rich and well-connected so go figure. I said to him, as I pretended to set the alarm for 5am, "do you mind that I practice yoga so early and we dont' get to cuddle in bed?" to which he replied, after he roused from the temezepan-induced slumber " No, not really" Bastard.

So I got up and practiced, but to be honest, my heart wasn't in it. I kept thinking of all those other people whose blogs look so much better than mine, and are way more interesting. The links, the pictures, the yoga CV's and all that. My driste wandered. Many times. I noticed that my right hip is way tighter than my left, and that my wrists are really killing me. I know that 'opening's are the way to go, and that Guruji says "no pain in the asana, no gain" but really, I can barely lift that soya latte to my lips...

Which leads me to the most pressing point of the day. There's a 'yoga 'n' botox' party happening later this week. P, my friend who works at xxxx company, swears that after a session of kundalini yoga (whatever that is) and then the procedure, she feels great. I have noticed this kind of prominent frown line between my brows.. and my lips are a bit thin... must be all that ujjayi breath...

I never thought I would plump for new lips via the cosmetic procedure way, let alone combine yoga with anti-aging treatments, but really its all the same energy, isnt it? A healthy body and then a healthy mind? Or is the other way round?

What would guruji say?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The New Me?

I am so sad! Pattabhi Jois is sick and has cancelled his workshop in Florida. Poor Guruji.

Yesterday I did Primary up to Navasana, Intermediate through Karandavasana, and several poses from Third. This works so well for me; my hips love it. And my spine. And everything else. I can't understand why everyone doesn't do it this way, it just makes so much sense.

Today I did not feel like practicing. I had a little tweak in my hamstring so I decided to go to a spin class instead.

It has been a crappy day all around. BF and I are fighting. It's his fault of course. Cheap bastard. I'm thinking about ending it and becoming a BAV. But how can I tell him if he won't return my calls?