Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Devil Wears Prana

I decided to get a tattoo and went downtown to the local parlour. I was nearly put off the tattoooist who looked a little like that guy from Aerosmith - the one with the lips.. But hey, its a look Liv Tyler is rocking..

It took me a fair bit of time to get him to understand the design I had in mind, a Sanskrit translation of three of my favourite words, Dolce e Gabbana.. I had them positioned one on left shoulder blade, one in the nape of my neck and the one on the other shoulder blade. I know people usually have stuff like Shakti or Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodaha (whatever that is!) but, in the words of one of the characters from my favourite, hip Brit show The Royle Family - Shakti? my arse! I think all that stuff is bullshit and I feel I am really being true to my inner voice in having these words placed there. Hope the scabs drop off real soon...

Oh yeah, NEWS! I got fired! This is bad news. I guess I'm in some kind of denial as I haven't really wanted to think or write about it but they called me yesterday as I was busy clearing out the sample cupboard and I had to do the long walk of shame, past all the guys in advertising to the boardroom. The editor was there and the Editor in Chief. I've never even met the Editor in Chief. She looked kind of mean. And high. Anyway,they made me collect all my stuff, (stuff that btw had taken me a while to steal). Reason? "All this Yoga is turning you into a Hippie!" Apparently also giving me a case of "What were you thinking?" when it came to my dress sense. So I have been experimenting with more ethnic fabrics and wearing a sari petticoat thinking it was a skirt, so what? and apparently I've been neglecting my personal grooming routine a la the Julia Roberts Armpitgate episode.... Actually the reasons were more to do with the fact that since I've taken up yoga I kind of feel this fashion stuff is silly... and perhaps they sense a lack of comittment on my part. Its true, I have been skipping the editorial meetings once in a while to go and do my practice but we only ever bitch about other people. and then call it journalism...I want to learn more about yoga and embrace the spiritual side of it. Its like that song by The Black Eyed Peas Where is the Love? but I feel until now, I never really understood the lyrics... It's all making sense now in a beautiful way...

On the positive side, practice wise I discovered that if I take my sunglasses off while practising I totally get the whole dristi thing!

Thoughts of what to do next. I have always liked writing and maybe I could turn this whole fashion/yoga/blogging thing into a book?

The Devil Wears Prana?

Or maybe television? Gokulum Hills 90210? I would like to see Shannon Docherty get into some hardcore bending and stay cool

Or film, Mat Wars: Episode 6 a New Drishti

Oh the opportunities are endless!

Until soon


1 comment:

Tiffany said...

hey saw your title for this post and it caught my eye (b/c i love the Devil Wears Prada)...I recently got fired from my job too. Sucks majorly doesn't it - but then not really b/c now I can do yoga.